Have you recently been locked out of your car, home or office due to a lost or broken key? Looking to have a copy of one or more of your keys to provide yourself with some safety in the even that you do get locked out? There’s no need to panic in the case of a lost, broken or manufacturing key. We can get you prepared in the event that one of these things happens to you.
Ace Service Express is a professional, experienced locksmith service which offers a range of products and services. Our team consists of a highly trained group of individuals who utilise the latest technology to provide customers with unparalleled key cutting and locksmith services. We proudly offer high quality materials from for domestic and automotive applications from leading brands around Europe such as
Silca Spa, Davenport Burgess Ltd., Keylines S.A., Elmetools and Advanced Diagnostics Ltd. Our range of duplications consists of vehicle keys, double sided and laser cut keys, dimple keys, and keys for pin tumbler locks.
As the first company in Malta that provided car key reprogramming services, and as the exclusive distributors and representatives of Silca spa and Advanced Diagnostic, we are also highly qualified when it comes to programming car keys. This is a highly important new feature of any modern key cutting service, as most vehicle manufacturers have equipped cars with immobiliser systems which require that keys be programmed with the individual vehicle. We are also able to reprogram and duplicate key fobs and proximity cards.
In addition to key cutting services we are also able to accommodate both emergency and routine locksmith needs. In cases where you are locked out of your car, house or boat we can open the lock without damaging or defacing your property. We are also able to repair most locks which are available locally, change combinations of existing locks, modify new locks to work with existing keys and repair defective locks for both cars and homes. Shoe repairing services and shoe repair supplies are also available in store.
Our company has been offering professional locksmith and key cutting since 1986. From our founding it has been our mission to be market leaders in the locksmith business, and furthermore to offer our clients high quality products which are produced by leading manufacturers.
Call us now on 79235660. We offer 24/7 support